Our Core Services

  • Our Structural expertise ranges across most Construction Sectors where we collaborate with design teams, developers and contractors through the lifecycle of any project. With a strong focus on Safety, Modern Methods of Construction and Sustainability we are environmentally aware in all that we do. We pride ourselves on our ability to bring value, commercial acumen and practical solutions to the table through all stages of the development process.

  • We provide a wide spectrum of civil engineering design input across all sectors. Typically, a project’s success weighs heavily on iterative site analysis and appropriate ground engineering which is why we have invested heavily in a strong and experienced civil engineering offering. Amongst our services are detailed flow analysis of below ground drainage systems, design of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS), 3D site levels and earthworks modelling, cut and fill computation, hardstanding design, and adoption agreement management and design to ensure compliance with statutory bodies’ requirements.

    Our team of civil engineers have a wealth of experience and can offer tangible value from site selection through to the completion of the construction phase of any development.

  • Our team’s experience in delivering highway works covers schemes of all sizes, from simple site access arrangements to major national road schemes. We work closely with highway authorities to ensure compliance with and, where required departures and relaxations from, design standards in order to meet our client’s needs and deliver most cost-effective solutions.

  • With the intensifying climate emergency, the requirement for comprehensive flood risk assessment and strategic approach to water management is critical to both maintaining existing and unlocking new development sites. Our team of specialist flood risk engineers understand how to maximise the potential of complex sites while the meeting or negotiating requirements of the Environment Agency and Lead Local Flood Authorities. Our expertise, supported by the use of detailed flood analysis software, allows us to present comprehensive and robust arguments to ensure our clients visions are achieved.

  • Given the common risk of ground contamination and the expense of removing material from site, we see earthworks analysis as key to ensuring a development’s budget can be spent on the end-user experience instead of in the ground. Keeping and capping contaminated materials, through detailed materials management plans and levels analysis, can be a highly cost-effective way to manage complicated soils.

    Detailed computational analysis allows our engineers to review numerous iterations of proposed levels and corresponding cut and fill figures to identify the most cost-effective solution. As the ground knowledge increases through targeted site investigation, schemes often have to adapt to suit. Understanding the consequence of these changes in a timely and tangible manner is paramount to assisting our client’s decision making. The use of complex software however is only as good as the information put in. Our team understand this and are not afraid to challenge the design team and client alike to ensure the best solution is found and any remaining risks are properly captured and allowed for.

  • Our Transport Planning and Highway Design services can take you from initial site identification, feasibility, concept and acquisition stages through detailed masterplans and mitigation strategies. As part of multi-disciplinary teams we also provide ongoing scheme design and policy analysis support to enable the development of planning applications and on-site engineering design services, typically in the form of Transport Statements, Transport Assessments and Travel Plans. We focus on developing great relationships with all stakeholders to offer multi-disciplinary and cost effective solutions to help our Partners achieve their stated outcomes resulting in positive planning decisions and successful development. We cover all sectors and scales from single dwellings through to Sustainable Urban Extensions as well as the delivery of Education, Health, Leisure, Commercial, Industrial and Masterplanning / Regeneration projects.

    We are able to support our Partners of every step of the journey, providing high quality and personable Transport Planning and Highway Design services whilst adapting our approach and outputs to suit each site and requirements independently.

  • Our team of experienced engineers will work with our clients to properly assess their sites, the proposed development and scope all the necessary ground investigations for their project. Through engagement with our close working partners we can bring all elements of environmental consultancy to the table but in a manner which is consistent with the actual requirements of the project specific engineering and the planning process.